The GUT - care for it well

For me, achieving good, great is better, digestion and a well functioning gastrointestinal tract is the central component of all treatment plans.  Without proper digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients, and then detoxifcation and elimination of wastes we do not function at our best.  Yes, no doubt, many people survive with sub-sub-optimal digestive systems - I don't know about you, but I certainly want to LIVE not survive.  The fabulous changes I have experienced and seen occur in people's well being from improvements in digestion convince me the gut must always be cared for well.

Any breakdown in the digestive process will also have effects on other body systems (and vice-versa of course). Poor digestion means not enough nutrients for the energy production required in every cell of the body; damage to the intestinal lining which is caused by many gastrointestinal issues (some listed below) means more toxins/allergens circulate and place an extra load on the immune system.  If the nervous system is under stress then the gut in turn will be under stress - the gastrointestinal system has more nerve endings than any other system. Ongoing stress reduces digestive processes and a viscious cycle is created with these two systems inextricably relying on each other for proper function. 

Naturopathy provides wonderfully effective treatment strategies, supplements and remedies for gastrointestinal conditions, such as:

Indigestion, reflux, heartburn
Flatulence (excessive)
Hiatus hernia
Gastrointestinal infections
Inflammatory bowel diseases - Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
Inflammatory bowel syndrome
Food intolerance
Leaky gut (intestinal hyperpermeability)
Enzyme deficiencies

Why not let Naturopathy help you get to the guts of the matter and start your healing today?

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