08 July 2013

va va vOOM to vitality

Are you feeling depleted, run down, lacking energy?  And you just know that you could be better.
Then join this easy four week program and you will be va va vOOM to vitality!
Over four weeks you will be supported, guided and nurtured to eat for vitality, think for vitality and relax for vitality!  All appointments are private consultations with Naturopath and Health Coach, Jen Rollings.
Wouldn’t you like more vitality?  Commit to this four week program now!
A special all inclusive fee of $600* SAVE $110 (including Vitality program supplements and herbs valued at $310).

Professional Naturopathic Health Coaching – four weekly consultations incorporating a synthesis of Nutritional Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Energetic Healing.
Vitality Food: Clean Eating Food Guide for Digestive Vitality and Detoxification
Vitality Supplemental Nutrients & Therapeutic Herbs: Practitioner Only nutritional supplements that improve energy, concentration, all phases of digestion, and liver and kidney detoxification function.
Vitality Herbal Medicine: Individualised liquid herbal blends made just for you to target any specific needs, and aim to improve resilience, energy and wellbeing.
Vitality Thinking:  A one hour dedicated Neuro Linguistic Programming  massage for the mind to improve your chances of getting what you want!  Change a behaviour, alter a way of thinking, make a decision.
Vitality Connection:  Be balanced and energised by a chakra balance and energetic healing - enjoy this time of relaxation balancing the flow of energy through your body and strengthening the connection with your soul!
Vitality Testing:  Body composition measurements, gut dysbiosis testing, mineral assessment, iridology overview.

*Vitality special package fee to be paid at first consultation.

06 July 2013

Celebrate your achievements

Celebrate your achievements......
While running through Cape Schanck national park the other day I was thinking about how much faster I would like to be running… then I remembered that the last year when I did this run, I walked a lot of it. 

Wow, I am now running faster, longer and better than I was 3 months ago, 6 months ago and certainly 12 months ago.  Then I really looked around me and saw the views, the colours, the trees, the ground beneath me – AmAzing! 

So, while you may set goals, remember to celebrate your achievements, enjoy the view on the way there, be present in the NOW and have fun!