08 September 2010

Simple DETOX Tips for Spring

This season's focus is simple tips for detoxing - always a hot topic in Spring and Summer.

Simple Detox Tips

Spring is traditionally considered the best time to revitalise ourselves with a cleansing detoxification program.  Conveniently, it is also the time when many of us start to feel inspired to clean up our insides as well as our outsides.  To get you started try these ten easy to follow spring detox ideas for a short one to two week program.  

If you would like to do a professionally supervised individualised detox program over a longer period, or have recurrent headaches, allergies, poor digestion or tiredness make an appointment for a professional Naturopathic consultation. It is recommended that people with long term health concerns, chronic illness or on prescription medication seek the advice of a health professional before undertaking a detox program.
  1. Eat a variety of fresh, unprocessed foods with an emphasis on vegetables (juiced, steamed, stir fried, salads, baked) along with lean animal protein or plant protein.  Avoid preservatives, additives, colours, flavours and limit wheat and dairy especially if you normally eat these foods a lot.  Include whole grains, vegetables, lean meats, fish, legumes, pulses, raw almonds, seeds, vegetables, unflavoured yoghurt, vegetables, herbs, spices etc etc.
  2. Eat three meals and two snacks daily leaving no more than three to four hours between eating. 
  3. Limit fruit to two serves a day.
  4. Reduce your portion sizes - especially at dinner.
  5. Drink 1.5-2 litres of water a day. Don't drink with meals.
  6. Aim for eight hours sleep every night.
  7. Exercise at least four times a week.
  8. See the light - walk in the sunlight for 15-30 minutes a day.
  9. Reduce exposure to chemical based cleaning products, cosmetics, etc.
  10. And yes, you knew this was coming  - NO (or at least REDUCE substantially) alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs, over the counter drugs (of course, continue all prescription medication), coffee, caffeine containing foods or drinks, soft drinks, cordials, lollies, chocolate, snackfoods. 
Remember, every little bit helps!  

september 2010