25 November 2013

Gluten-free not working for you?

Image:  © Mauro Marini | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Researchers have found that foods other than gluten containing foods may cause an immune reaction in some people with Coeliac Disease or gluten sensitivity. These findings may explain why around 30% of people with Coeliac Disease do not get complete relief of symptoms even when on a gluten free diet. The foods that caused a reaction in the lab are cow’s milk, milk chocolate, the milk proteins: milk butyrophilin, whey protein and casein, yeast, oats, corn, millet, instant coffee and rice.
Obviously not every food in existence was tested and you may experience reactions to other foods for other reasons, so if your symptoms and digestive discomfort continue even after eliminating these foods, then further investigation is required.

What to eat
So, interestingly grains like corn, rice and millet which are often used in gluten free products may not be helping. Lactose free products will not be a useful alternative in this case as lactose free milk still contains the potentially troublesome for some milk proteins.

Foods tested by these researchers that may be safe for you are: sesame, 100% buckwheat, sorghum, hemp, amaranth, quinoa, tapioca, teff (a type of grain common in Ethiopia and becoming more available), soy (but limit this and only use products made from non-GMO whole soya beans), egg, and potatoes.

The researchers write that fresh pure coffee espresso, and Turkish, Armenian, Greek, and Israeli prepared coffee powder, pure cocoa, or milk-free dark chocolate may be safe as long as you don’t have a classical allergy to coffee or cacao. Stay clear of instant coffee as these products may be contaminated with traces of gluten.

A. Vojdani and I. Tarash, "Cross-Reaction between Gliadin and Different Food and Tissue Antigens," Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2013, pp. 20-32. doi: 10.4236/fns.2013.41005.

28 August 2013

Why I Love Esoteric Healing

Esoteric Healing is a form of energetic healing that relaxes, energises and improves wellbeing. Esoteric simply means hidden… so we are healing from the hidden within. 

From a belief that the unhindered connection with our own soul is the key to fullness of living, the Esoteric Healing process aims to improve the flow of soul energy through the physical, emotional and mental aspects of the person to strengthen the soul connection. 

An Esoteric Healing session targets the energetic field surrounding each person, the etheric field. Radiating this energetic field there are seven major energy centres also known as chakras (+ 21 minor centres and 49 lesser centres). Each chakra is associated with particular organs, glands and parts of the body. 

Each Esoteric Healing session commences with an energetic scanning of the body, a chakra balance and vitality charge! Then the Healing will be directed to your specific centres of need, integrating, uplifting and grounding. 

During a healing, and beyond, people experience calmness, quietness of mind, easing of physical discomfort – signs that they are better connected to their soul plan. During a healing you may lay down or be seated in a chair, and remain fully clothed. Physical contact is minimal as healing is directed through the etheric field. People have described feeling tingling, warmth, gentle movement, clarity of thought, seeing colours, sensing peace, connecting with emotions and feeling deeply relaxed.

An Esoteric Healing session lasts 30 minutes – so easy to fit into a busy schedule – making it simple to enjoy a series of weekly healing sessions to keep you balanced, in check and connected. 

21 August 2013

Krill oil vs Fish oil

Many people are attracted to Krill Oil over Fish Oil products due to the apparent lesser number of capsules required, however which is really best?  Well, like most things it comes down to your individual needs.

The research involving Krill oil has largely been conducted into its effects on cholesterol levels – yes, it has been found to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), and triglycerides and increase HDL (good cholesterol).  There is also some additional research supporting the use of Krill oil for arthritis and mental health – issues for which Fish Oil are commonly recommended, and into which there has been much more research conducted.

Krill’s lesser dosage requirement is due to the seemingly better absorption of omega-3 oils due to 30-65% of the omega-3 fatty acids being incorporated into phospholipids – just like our cell membranes.  Also, Krill naturally contains antioxidants including astaxathin.  But both phospholipids and antioxidants can be damaged by processing methods and temperature extremes so make sure you are buying a top quality product and storing it in a cool cupboard (this goes for Fish Oil too).  Of course, I recommend the Practitioner Only brands that we have at MCM and NLCM.

So, what is my recommendation?  If you are attempting to reduce cholesterol levels, then I recommend Krill Oil at a dose of around 3 grams to start, and re-testing lipid profile in about 3 months.  If your goal is to reduce inflammation/pain, support good mood and concentration, for general cardiovascular health and wellbeing, preconception, or brain and nerve development, at this stage I would still recommend Fish Oil – different forms and dosages depending on your individual needs, so talk to me.

When taking Krill Oil for cholesterol reduction, it appears you need about two thirds of the amount of EPA + DHA (the active ingredients) compared to what you would take as Fish Oil.  So keep this in mind when comparing products because Krill Oil is more expensive than fish oil.  Also, compare Krill with a Fish Oil product that offers concentrated amounts of active ingredients to lessen the capsules required per day, or even better - try a liquid form.

Don’t take Krill Oil if you have a shellfish allergy, and talk to me before taking either supplement if you are on blood-thinning medications. (References available on request.)

08 July 2013

va va vOOM to vitality

Are you feeling depleted, run down, lacking energy?  And you just know that you could be better.
Then join this easy four week program and you will be va va vOOM to vitality!
Over four weeks you will be supported, guided and nurtured to eat for vitality, think for vitality and relax for vitality!  All appointments are private consultations with Naturopath and Health Coach, Jen Rollings.
Wouldn’t you like more vitality?  Commit to this four week program now!
A special all inclusive fee of $600* SAVE $110 (including Vitality program supplements and herbs valued at $310).

Professional Naturopathic Health Coaching – four weekly consultations incorporating a synthesis of Nutritional Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Energetic Healing.
Vitality Food: Clean Eating Food Guide for Digestive Vitality and Detoxification
Vitality Supplemental Nutrients & Therapeutic Herbs: Practitioner Only nutritional supplements that improve energy, concentration, all phases of digestion, and liver and kidney detoxification function.
Vitality Herbal Medicine: Individualised liquid herbal blends made just for you to target any specific needs, and aim to improve resilience, energy and wellbeing.
Vitality Thinking:  A one hour dedicated Neuro Linguistic Programming  massage for the mind to improve your chances of getting what you want!  Change a behaviour, alter a way of thinking, make a decision.
Vitality Connection:  Be balanced and energised by a chakra balance and energetic healing - enjoy this time of relaxation balancing the flow of energy through your body and strengthening the connection with your soul!
Vitality Testing:  Body composition measurements, gut dysbiosis testing, mineral assessment, iridology overview.

*Vitality special package fee to be paid at first consultation.

06 July 2013

Celebrate your achievements

Celebrate your achievements......
While running through Cape Schanck national park the other day I was thinking about how much faster I would like to be running… then I remembered that the last year when I did this run, I walked a lot of it. 

Wow, I am now running faster, longer and better than I was 3 months ago, 6 months ago and certainly 12 months ago.  Then I really looked around me and saw the views, the colours, the trees, the ground beneath me – AmAzing! 

So, while you may set goals, remember to celebrate your achievements, enjoy the view on the way there, be present in the NOW and have fun!

27 May 2013

The International Year of Quinoa

Did you know 2013 is the International Year of Quinoa?

Here is a great recipe to help you celebrate.

Quinoa, Asparagus & Feta Salad

2 cups water
1 cup quinoa, rinsed, drained
2 bunches asparagus, woody ends trimmed, cut into 4cm lengths
1 large red capsicum, halved, seeded, chopped
1/2 cup crumbled feta (cow, goat or sheep's feta)
1/4 cup sunflower seed kernels
4 shallots, trimmed, thinly sliced
2tbs chopped fresh continental parsley
1/12 tbs fresh lemon juice
2 tsp olive oil for dressing and a little for coating
1 tsp honey
1 tsp sweet paprika
100g baby rocket leaves

Combine water and quinoa in a large saucepan, bring to the boil. Reduce heat and cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed. Transfer into a large bowl. Set aside to cool. Lightly coat asparagus with olive oil and grill for 2-3 minutes until crisp. (Optional, grill the red capsicum too.)
Add the asparagus, capsicum, feta, sunflower seed kernels, shallots, rocket and parsley to the quinoa. Whisk the lemon juice, honey, oil and paprika in a small bowl until well combined, and add to the quinoa mixture. Season with pepper and toss to combine.



22 May 2013

Making Supermarket Choices Easy

I am one of those people that love supermarket shopping.  I can spend ages picking the best apple and comparing labels of certain products.  If you’re not like me and want to get in and out of the supermarket quickly, yet still make healthy food choices, then a Supermarket Shopping Tour may be just what you need.

You may want to make healthier choices, there may be certain foods you are wanting to avoid, or you may just like to be better informed about what options are the best for you.  Gluten free and low fat promoted foods are not always the healthiest choice.

Food is the foundation for every long term good health plan.  I am full of ideas for how to make healthy eating easy – and the best way to start is by planning your meals and snacks, and having a kitchen stocked with the foods you want to eat.  While some recommendations regarding the types of foods to eat may be similar for all people who ask me for advice, every person has their individual needs – and a Supermarket Shopping Tour makes your choices easy.

My Supermarket Shopping Tours are a one to one personal experience.  This means we focus specifically on your needs. The fee for this great experience is $160 and I will spend a total of 1.5 hours with you – the first 30 minutes discussing your objectives and an hour actually shopping or walking through the aisles discussing and comparing.

Please contact me for more information and to organise Shopping time!